Saturday 1 June 2013


FIFA 14 

Release Date - September 27th 2013

EA has officially announced that FIFA 14 will be released on September 27th. Pre-ordering the game, just as the same as FIFA 13, gives you access to the Ultimate team 24 packs for each week.

Top 5 new features

1: Build Up Play
With this new feature, Defenders will mark attackers and midfielders more tightly and the players will be more intelligent in the way that they work out what they are doing, should be doing and will do to make the best attack.
2: Dribbling
Dribbling has been enhanced by introducing momentum into dribbling. When a player is running with the ball and suddenly changes direction, the weight will transfer to the side of his body that he is moving towards, therefore introducing momentum.
3: Teammate Intelligence
Simply just meaning that players will now be more intelligent in the way they act and move, such as staying onside and then attacking.
4: Protect the ball
This allows the player to protect the ball in an offensive run by holding down the L2 button. This makes thew player block the opponent and can be used while running.
5: Shooting
EA has done a lot of research into how ball physics really works to create the most realistic shot animations. Shots have been improved by altering the way that the ball moves in the air depending on the shot, such as a knuckle ball, dipping shot or even a rising shot which, with great feedback, will be introduced. EA claims that the shooting has never been better.